U.C.D. ResLife

Living on campus has a range of advantages, but one of the often forgotten jewels has got to be the U.C.D. ResLife programme. Having lived on campus for most of my undergraduate degree, and now as an RA, I have a good bit of experience with the initiative and believe it deserves a lot more attention that it usually gets!

For starters, ResLife gives you no excuse to be lazy! Some of the weekly events include yoga, Pilates, and Zumba classes specifically and exclusively for campus residents. Not only that, but it has weekly 5-a-side soccer in the Sports Centre and tag ruby, which can both sometimes become a little bit more competitive with “Battle of the Residences” tournaments each trimester! Apart from the weekly classes, ResLife often teams up with the U.C.D. Mountaineering Club and runs day events at the climbing wall and weekend hiking events. Not only that, but last year ResLife organised an adventure day with aerial trekking, archery, rock climbing, a “Dropzone” freefall and zip lining! Not a day that was forgotten quickly!

If sports aren’t your thing, don’t fret! ResLife runs a monthly book club in the residential social spaces, which is a fantastic way to meet other book nerds and discuss the various twists, characters and plots of the assigned literature! Eddie, chef in the Roebuck Castle Residences hosts fortnightly cooking classes suitable for all levels, and you get to go home fed at the end of the night too! If movies are your thing, the monthly movie screenings in the U.C.D. cinema might take your interest, as might the outdoor cinema nights and the Oscar movie night series throughout February.

But it’s not only your physical health ResLife looks after – “Please Talk” is a student-led mental health movement, launched in U.C.D. in 2007. Supported by the H.S.E. through the National Office of Suicide Prevention, “Please Talk” is part of the National Mental Health Strategy and has a very prominent presence on campus, particularly in the ResLife programme. Every month there is a “Please Talk” meeting which focuses on encouraging students to talk to someone and provides a directory of the support available to students on campus and beyond. It’s a great way to meet fellow residents too and as always, enjoy a cup of tea or coffee with biscuits! Reslife also host exam stress workshops in the lead up to the more stressful times of the academic year.

For the international student coming to Dublin, Reslife simply couldn’t do better; teaming up with An Cumann Gaelach, Reslife ensure that everyone can get the full Irish experience! From céilís to G.A.A. skills sessions, walking tours of Dublin, and day trips to Glendalough, nobody can say that they couldn’t experience the Irish culture. Apart from Irish-based events, Reslife also team up with the International Student Society to run an International Food Festival as well showing the Superbowl live every year in Astra Hall.

Last but not least, no year would be complete without ResLif’s signature events! The Orientation Week Barbeque, Christmas Fair with hog roasts, mulled wine and that famous rodeo Christmas pudding, and of course the Summer Carnival with funfair rides and carnival stands. Let’s not forget the Casino night, hallowe’en pumpkin carving, speed dating and speed friending, “Take Me Out” Valentine’s event and karaoke night. It also runs regular buses to and from IKEA and Dundrum Shopping Centre. Reslife really ticks every box!