Choosing Medicine in UCD

I was one of the lucky few that knew exactly what I wanted to do in college since around the start of secondary school. I had grown up in a scientific household, had been introduced from a young age to the various disciplines, encouraged to explore the field – so why not choose science? At the time my understanding of scientific careers was that after college, you either ended up teaching or in a lab. Since I had no desire to teach anytime soon, my perceived future image was that of me alone in a shiny sterile lab, making shampoo. Not exactly an appealing image. So I wanted something a bit more social – I still wanted to keep a scientific element to my career, but I also wanted to work with people. This thought process led me to the field of healthcare.


Why medicine specifically? I couldn’t tell you. Perhaps because it’s the healthcare career everyone is most familiar with, or perhaps I thought it would give me the most chance to flex my academic biceps. Perhaps, and probably most likely, I was just too ill informed to consider the other healthcare professions, such as physiotherapy, radiography or nursing. So from secondary school onwards, I had the profession chosen, and all that was left to decide was where!

The are 5 universities where it is possible to study Medicine as an undergraduate in Ireland – UCD, RCSI, UCC, NUIG and Trinity. Of those, the most competitive are the Dublin options, probably due to their location rather than anything else. For me, there was no opposition – UCD was the clear winner. I figured that any of the above universities could give me a medical degree, but what UCD could offer was so much more. Like I said, I was looking for a degree with a scientific element, but without losing the social aspect. In UCD, I could have the best of both world’s – my course would prepare me for the working world ahead, and UCD’s boundless supply of clubs, societies and other social gatherings would ensure I’d come out well-rounded.


Of course, the real question isn’t why I chose it at the time, it’s whether I have any regrets since making that decision. Thankfully, UCD really is the college for me, and amazingly my time here has not only met but succeeded my expectations! The course itself is logically structured, with clear progression from basic sciences, to normal anatomy and physiology, and finally pathology and pharmacology. Some would argue that Pre-Med is an unnecessary year, however I found that it gave time to form bonds with my classmates that really became important only years later, when the stress levels were highest this social support was most valuable. The facilities in UCD have provided fantastic resources, and unlike other universities, the opportunities for students to engage in structured research programmes are endless, and there’s also a chance to add an extra year and graduate with a Masters.


Outside of the course, I’ve had the chance to learn so many new things that I never thought I would when I came to college – kayaking, scuba diving, martial arts… these are just a few of the random skills I’ve picked up so far. I’ve met some great people through extra-curricular activities, whether that be volunteering, sports or societies. Through UCD and the UCD Medical school I’ve also been lucky enough to travel abroad with my summers, taking me as far as Delhi in India and Boston in the USA. For those that shun all these extra-curriculars as time wasting activities, they’re actually pretty handy to put on a CV, and often it’s those little extras that make you stand out from the crowd.


So if I could go back and do it all again, what would I change? Nothing. UCD Medicine is still my top choice of course and university, and together have given me a far more rounded experience than I could ever have asked for anywhere else!

Good luck to all aspiring Med students and hopefully will see some of you around UCD Health Sciences in September!