Best things to get involved with at UCD to further your career

It’s sometimes easy to forget that at the end of university you do need to go out into the world and get a grown-up job. It can seem daunting to think of that prospect, whether you’re in first or final year. Fortunately, UCD offers lots of opportunities to develop yourself both personally and professionally to ensure your CV stands out. Below are just some of the ways that I have found useful in making sure that I’m in a position to put my best foot forward when I leave UCD with my degree:

1. Get involved with student societies

Student societies are a great way to try new things and meet new people but it’s easy to forget that they also look great on a CV. Getting involved with a student society shows a willingness to engage in something outside of your studies and work with others. If you get a chance to help organise a society event like a table quiz or a debate then this also speaks volumes to your time management and organisational skills. Plus, it’s also good fun! With over seventy student societies and there’s definitely something for everyone. Don’t be afraid to get involved in something a little different, it can always make an interesting talking point in an interview!

2. Join a club

For many of the same reasons, sports club involvement also enhances your CV and employability. Teamwork is often critical to any job that you do and employers love to see examples of it. There are over sixty sports clubs in UCD with everything from Ninjitsu to Windsurfing and you can join them all as a complete beginner. The Sports Expo is held in the Student Centre during Freshers’ Week every year and is a great way to check out the clubs and speak to the members about their experiences. Plus, any exercise is a great way to clear your head and take a break from the books.    

3. Career fairs and talks

It’s a good idea to keep an eye on your UCDConnect email and on any posts on Brightspace posted by your programme. Each school in the university is invested not only in educating you but setting you up for your career once you graduate. Career Fairs are a useful way to get a feel for the areas you would like to work in and a good way to get advice from the people that will be reading your CV come internship/graduate programme application time. Many employers will also deliver talks detailing the kind of work they do and the things they look for in applicants. It’s worthwhile keeping an eye on these and noting them down in your calendar. The UCD Career Development Centre will have all of the information on these events and are located just next to the Campus Bookshop.

While it is always good to keep in mind the potential career boost that various activities in college can provide, perhaps the most important thing is getting involved in something you genuinely enjoy and are passionate about. Employers want to know about you as a person and the skills you have developed outside of the things you learned in lectures. It’s a lot easier to convey that information when you’re discussing something you’re enthusiastic about and interested in. Plus, college is a time to grow as an individual and experience new things!