Ad Astra Performing Arts Scholarship Application Advice

UCD Ad Astra Performing Arts Scholar and First Year Law Student Carla offers her advice on applying to  UCD’s Ad Astra Performing Arts Scholarship

“Applying for Ad Astra was the best decision I made about coming to college and so my number one piece of advice to anyone interested in theatre or music would be to apply!

Don’t be hindered by the thought that you can’t apply because you want to study science or business. Whatever your academic and career goals may be, Ad Astra encourages students with a passion for performing to balance both. For example, in a short space of time I have found that being a part of Ad Astra hugely benefits my study of law.

It can be difficult to promote yourself in a writing but do not hold back in expressing all of your experience; everything is relevant. Be genuine about your ambitions in order to give a well-rounded view of yourself. Think carefully about and plan your answers, this makes it easier for you to communicate your thoughts in the word count.

Don’t be held back by worrying about uploading a monologue or how to phrase your answers. I was nervous about applying and looking back I can say that you have nothing to lose by going for it yet so many wonderful opportunities and experiences to gain.”

The deadline for applications to the Ad Astra Performing Arts Scholarship change every year. For the most up-to-date information on application deadlines click here. For the most up-to-date information on the application process click here.