10 Online Educational Resources For Leaving Cert Students

There are an abundance of online resources available to help Leaving Cert students study and prepare for exams. From online revision classes, learning guides, how to organise your study and handy educational apps, here’s 10 we recommend:

1. iRevise.com

iRevise provide class revision resources, prepared by educational experts. They are giving premium memberships to all students for one month.

2. The Maths Tutor 

This is a paid online resource but they do offer free taster tutorials. Offering structured plans using carefully selected examples from LC exam papers. This will help you to cover thee course efficiently, in bite sized chunks.

3. The Learning Academy

Offering live interactive grinds, all classes are delivered online using their state of the art virtual classroom. All classes are recorded and available to students afterwards for review or catch-up.

4. Study Kit Essentials

Read some tips and download some practical resources to help you get organised and create a study timetable from the Institute of Education. These will help you to make the most of your revision time and develop some new study skills and techniques. 

5. Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe is offering free access to Creative Cloud tools through May for home use by students attending schools that currently only provide lab access through May. Check with your teacher if they have signed up for lab access.

6. German Mind

German courses at all levels with 8 students max per class. Taking place in the form of live and interactive online classes. They are also offering a 25% Stay At Home discount currently.

7. Jump A Grade

JumpAGrade is an online service to help students prepare for exams.  Hire your own personal tutor who will create a weekly cycle for you which includes a personalised worksheet every Wednesday, submit written work by taking photos and uploading them by Sunday, and then receive video feedback from your tutor ahead of your next worksheet. 

8. The Elements App By Theodore Gray 

From Theodore Gray comes a beautifully produced app introducing and educating users on the elements of the periodic table and how they combine to form the world around us.

9. Shakespeare Pro App 

The Shakespeare Pro app is en excellent resource for English students studying Shakespeare. The app contains full texts, explanations and notes on 41 plays, 154 sonnets and 6 poems written by Shakespeare. The app also offers a helpful search tool so you search for that quote or word that is stuck in your head without pouring over pages and pages of highlighted text.  

10. Irish Grammar

This Irish language app is available for both Apple and Android devices. It presents grammar rules section by section, explaining the rules in simple English followed by practice quizzes. There are more than 1,000 grammar exercises contained in these quizzes. At the end of each quiz, a summary and explanation of answers is given.